Graham Hancock
Graham Hancock
Graham Hancock born on the second of August 1950. He is a British historian, writer and journalist. Hancock specialises in unconventional theories involving ancient civilizations, stone monuments or megaliths, altered states of consciousness, ancient myths and astronomical/astrological data from the past.
The main themes running through many of his books is the possible global connection with a "mother culture" from which he believes all ancient historical civilizations sprang.
There are many other states of consciousness that the amazing and mysterious human brain is capable of embracing, and it appears to be a natural human urge, as deep-rooted as our urges for food, sex, and nurturing relationships, to seek out and explore such “altered states of consciousness.
I always knew we weren’t alone in the universe. I thought that the only way to encounter them is with bright lights and flying saucers in outer space. It never ocoured to me to actually encounter them in our own inner space.