Royal Raymond Rife
was an American scientist who first developed a very powerful Microscope at the turn of the century (1900). He labored with his super microscope to discover the resident frequencies of microbes and pathogens he saw under the microscope. Once he locked into the dominant resident frequency of the target specimen under his microscope, he found that by radiating the same frequency to the organism, it would die.
He dedicated years of discovering and documenting these frequencies. He eventual compiled a list of frequencies for every health problem imaginable. There was a device using noble gases also called plasma which could radiate at any prescribed frequency. To treat disease he would find the exact frequency by a feedback mechanism that used a sticking clicking sound when the right fq. had been dialed.
Of course like Priore in France, Harry Huxley in Texas, nurse Caisse in Canada, all who claimed and documented that they cured cancer, and were taken down by the high priests of organized medicine, Royal Raymond Rife was shot down over and over.
The last several years have yielded valuable new information
on Rife and his inventions.
The following material presented is from from Rife Handbook by Nenah Sylver, PhD
For a long time, old 1936 movie footage showing Rife working in his lab provided
some of the best (and almost only) visual clues about the
equipment, besides equally old photographs. Then reel-to-reel
tapes, featuring Rife discussing the technology with
many important colleagues, were discovered in an old
trunk, cleaned of major hisses and pops, and transferred
onto CD's.
A Rife Ray, built in the 1940s, was found in a
museum and restored by a team of resourceful engineers.
Shortly after that, a US researcher and machine designer
was given a box of priceless documents by an elderly nurse
who had once worked with John Marsh, a colleague of
Royal Rife’s. This rifer was then given access to an old
schematic of one of Royal Rife’s original units, built in
the 1930s. With help from other researchers—including
an engineer familiar with the tube technology of Rife’s
era—he deciphered the almost illegible drawing and reconstructed
the model. After he found an actual prototype of
yet another model, we were closer to understanding how
Rife’s technology worked, and to producing more efficient
and optimally effective machines.
Synchronously, just after the year 2000, a German
microscope manufacturer launched an instrument that not
only can view minuscule viruses in their living state, but
exceeds Rife’s best microscope in magnification power and
breathtaking depth of field. This new instrument has already
begun to assist countless pathologists and other scientists in
their work to detect frequencies for diseases caused by new
virulent pathogens.
Despite improved methods of identifying microbes with their associated diseases, this doesn’t mean that we should focus on the so-called germ theory as the foundation for getting well.
It’s true that Rife did focus on killing and disabling microbes.
But it would be a mistake to utilize
rife therapy solely (or even primarily) from an allopathic perspective. Holistic medicine is founded on the need to correct the bodily terrain; even Rife knew this. Also, we
are now realizing that Rife’s frequencies didn’t just kill
microbes. The field created by his ray machine apparently
also helped normalize tissue function. We are at the beginning
of a new era filled with discovery, enlightenment,
growth and healing. I feel incredibly blessed to be part of
this worldwide movement.
Vilified and discredited by the ignorant, his technology
misunderstood and underutilized, Royal Raymond Rife died
in 1971.
Today, roughly four decades later, rife frequency
therapy—while not yet a household word—is nonetheless
becoming more solidified in people’s consciousness.
In some
circles, the technology is being used so regularly that the
word “rifing” has become a verb. I think that Royal Rife
would have been pleased and gratified that his modality is
finally being given the respect it deserves.
During Rife’s time, specimens had to be killed and stained
in order to be seen under a microscope. Even modern electron
microscopes, which produce high-resolution images,
kill the specimens being viewed, because in order to make
the specimens visible, an electron microscope bombards
them with electrons in a vacuum. However, the Universal
Microscope (completed in 1933) allowed microorganisms
(even tiny viruses) to be viewed in their live state with
crystal clarity.
This held great promise in finding cures
for diseases, because if you can see how living organisms
respond to stimuli, you may find a way to destroy them.
As it turned out, the “stimuli” from Rife consisted of
frequencies produced by an EM field. If Rife exposed
a virus or bacterium to a particular frequency and the
pathogen began to vibrate—and then either grew weak
or completely broke apart—he knew that he had found
the resonant frequency (or simply frequency) of the microbe.
“Any object has a certain natural or resonant frequency,”
explains James L. Oschman:
Strike it, bump it, pluck it, or heat it, and it will
tend to vibrate at a specific frequency. This applies
to a bone, a piece of wood, a molecule, an electron,
or a musical instrument. . . .
In the living
body, each electron, atom, chemical bond, molecule,
cell, tissue, organ (and the body as a whole)
has its own vibratory character [as well]. . . . In
terms of vibrations, the human body can be compared
to a symphony orchestra. Each molecule
corresponds to a particular instrument. Each
bend, rotation, or stretch of a chemical bond
has a certain resonant frequency, and will give
off certain “notes” if it is energized.
Since molecules,
water, and dissolved ions are constantly
bumping into each other at body temperature,
all parts are constantly jiggling and absorbing
and emitting energy. . . . When two objects have
similar natural frequencies, they can interact
without touching; their vibrations can become
coupled or entrained. For electromagnetic interactions
between molecules, the word “resonance”
is used more often than entrainment. In the older
literature you will find the term “sympathetic
The microbe’s frequency (the number of cycles per
second at which it vibrated) was also known as its Mortal
Oscillatory Rate (MOR). An analogy explaining how
Rife’s ray tube worked was the cliché of the soprano who
shatters a glass with her pure, focused tone. If enough
power were applied, the resonant frequency killed the
microbe or debilitated it enough so that the body’s own
immune cells could then dispose of it.
Royal Rife’s ray machine (whose inspiration and fundamental
operation appear to have come from Albert
Abrams’s Oscilloclast) delivered frequencies in the radio
frequency (RF) range by sending an electrical current
through a tube filled with noble gases (mostly argon and
The gases would light up the tube, and the frequencies
were emitted as EM radiation. It was the EM
wave, rather than the luminescence from the light, that
disabled or killed the pathogens. Rife discovered the
resonant frequencies for cancer, typhus, E. coli, and other
People given “terminal” diagnoses by
their doctors would often become well when exposed to
the Rife Ray. A microbial MOR frequency administered
at a low power level is harmful to a microbe, but does
not harm a larger host such as a human being or animal
because the host has a much more complex structure than
a microbe—and, hence, will barely feel the power input
that can kill a tiny microbe.
Many modern, second-generation rife machines also
contain plasma tubes filled with noble gases, although
some rife-type frequency devices utilize hand-held, tubular
metal electrodes to deliver frequencies into the body via
electrical current.
Most of the tubes are freestanding; one
unit has long glass rods that are held. Due to technology
changes—and FCC regulations against devices transmitting
over long distances in the RF range because they
interfere with radio broadcast signals—today’s units emit
much weaker signals in lower ranges, mostly from one to
20,000 Hz (hertz).
Rife technology devices can range from simple to
elaborate, with varying programming capabilities.
Smaller units can be the size of large loaves of bread,
while large ones equal the size of tower computers. The
user inputs the desired frequencies into the computerized
machine, and a signal is sent to the noble gases in
the tube.
The resulting EM field disables or kills the
microorganisms in the body, while also inputting energy
into the body’s cells.
In countries outside the United States, such as Germany
and Romania, rife technology is seriously researched and
publicized. Its legal status as a medical treatment means
that the technology is freely used in clinics and doctors’
In North America, open-minded medical practitioners
and health seekers have a more difficult time
finding manufacturers of rife frequency devices, because
after the 1940s, the FDA quashed this technology. About
a dozen manufacturers in North America are making rifestyle
devices. In Europe, there are even more companies
making frequency devices.
Two excellent freestanding plasma light frequency
devices are especially popular in North America: the
PERL, and the P3 units (from different companies).
The PERL is a highly respected frequency device made
by Resonant Light Technology Inc., from Canada.
The machine is equipped with a
leaded silica glass tube filled with 100% argon. When
the noble gas is lit by the transmitted RF energy, the
PERL emits frequencies (up to three signals simultaneously)
over a 27 megahertz carrier. Frequency selection
is from .001 Hz to 400,000 Hz.
The selectable waveform
(square, sine, or sawtooth) has a range of up to
30 feet. The customer can either program frequencies
into the unit or use one of 25 banks of pre-programmed
The equipment’s management system (manufacturing
quality and customer support) has received
an international standard of certification; so should the
company decide to apply for Class II Medical Device
status for the PERL, they will have met all the requirements.
Resonant Light Technology Inc. cannot legally
state that the PERL is a therapeutic device for use on
humans in Canada, but the company does suggest other
applications: therapeutic use with animals, extending
the life of food in clinically controlled food storage
lockers, slowing the growth of mold and fungi in greenhouses,
and reducing the parasitic count within fruit
orchards. Energizing the body is an obvious application
as well.
Pulsed Technologies, which has offices in both the
United States and Romania, makes several different
devices. The frequency outputs of this company’s units
range from .01 Hz to an impressive 1,000,000 Hz
(1 megahertz). The Precision Pulsed Plasma system (P3)
is a non-contact, radiant device that operates on principles
that do not require RF.
The P3 is driven by the
Precision Function Generator (PFG), into which the
user programs frequencies and various waveform shapes.
Both PFG models may also be used separately from the
plasma unit as contact (electrode) devices. The computer
software, included with the machines, contains
modules suitable for laboratory, professional, group, or
individual use. Thus, many practitioners and researchers as
well as lay customers use this equipment.
The company’s
emphasis on research—Pulsed Technologies sponsors the
Eastern Europe-based professional Research and Resource
Exchange Network—has been particularly welcome in
Europe, where doctors have seen great improvements in
the subjects enrolled there in clinical trials. Applications
of a Pulsed Technologies unit are similar to those of the
PERL. The uses for a freestanding plasma light unit are
limited only by the imagination of the user.
Although Rife technology appeals to holistically oriented
health practitioners, it is simple enough to be utilized
by the layperson as well. The largest market in the United
States consists of people who want to improve their own
health, as well as the health of their family, friends, pets,
and farm animals.
In Rife’s era, it was proven that his frequency devices
disabled microbes that made humans and animals sick.
But we now know that selected frequencies can regenerate
tissue. Some of the frequencies that Rife used may have
done both.
Royal Raymond Rife discovered one of the most groundbreaking medical tools of the last hundred years. Due to
political and financial interests, his discoveries were driven underground. But today, people suffering from cancer
and other diseases can base their treatment on authentic science instead of politics. A scientist in the true definition
of the word, Dr. Sylver methodically guides readers through Rife’s life and achievements, with a history of the
technology and the scientific foundation for its use. She also provides practical tips that can be easily integrated into
a comprehensive protocol for a wide variety of health conditions. Nenah Sylver is the “researcher’s researcher”; I
habitually turn to her work as a trusted reference. I recommend The Rife Handbook without reservation to every health
seeker, patient, physician, and scientist who values objectivity and innovation in medicine and wants guidance on
complementary healing modalities.
Applying electricity to treat illness is an old science. The Egyptians utilized electric eels centuries ago. Acupuncture
discussed in The Yellow Emperor’s Internal Medicine Classic dates to 200 BCE. In modern times, Georges Lakhovsky used
electricity for his Multi-Wave Oscillator (created with the assistance of Nikola Tesla and patented in 1934). The efforts
of Royal Rife are much better known. However, the saga of Rife technology reads like a mystery novel with intrigue,
misinformation and hiding of information, theft, lawsuits, character assassination and governmental abuse. Now comes
Dr. Sylver with a clear explanation of Rife therapy in an easily readable and scholarly treatise. Finally the mystery is
solved, and we can put Rife technology into a usable context for its intended purpose—the healing of the sick.
Resonant frequency therapies are mostly unknown to the general public, and well written material on Royal Rife
is scarce. Yet hundreds of thousands of people, from the skilled professional to the layperson, are using frequency
devices with phenomenal success in the treatment of disease. Rife’s groundbreaking research involving many scientific
disciplines—and his innovative discoveries—upset the present scientific paradigm. But they will eventually reshape
our world. And The Rife Handbook will help open people’s minds to what is now a worldwide technological shift. This
book is long overdue.