Whistler West Coast Float
Contact Name: Louise Van Engelsdorp
Website: http://www.westcoastfloat.com
Email Address: [email protected]
Telephone: 1-604-962-3299
Address: 7-4433 Sundial Place Whistler, BC V0N 1B4
First open: 12/24/2013
Opening Hours
Open daily, 10:00 am - 10:00 pm.
About Us
Bob & Louise
We are Bob & Louise, owners of West Coast Float and we are excited to welcome you into our business. Our journey into floating came through our constant desire to do new things, to explore, try new experiences, and to heal and expand our consciousness.
West Coast Float supports inclusion and diversity. We welcome all guests from around the world and the LGBT community. We are located on the ground floor and are fully wheelchair accessible.
Our mission at West Coast Float is to offer the highest quality of customer support, cleanliness, and information to provide a relaxing and healing environment for all! We believe in the power of meditation, mindfulness, compassion, community support, and paying it forward to create a better world. By providing a space for you to float and "be", we know you will feel healthy & peaceful, and that will result in a compassionate influence on the world around you.
At West Coast Float we have several private rooms and two types of float options to meet all your floating needs: The Tranquility Float Pod, and the Float Cabin for 1 or 2.
Both options are spacious, comfortable, and when you are settled in, the experience is practically identical. Choosing your float pool option is simply a matter of personal preference. We will show you to your private room, show you how it works, and allow you to privately float, breathe easy, and control your experience.
Our tanks are fully mechanized to circulate, filter, and brominate the water between every guest. To ensure the highest quality of water, we use all natural cleaning products and fully change our water and USP Epsom Salts every 6 months.
We sponsor many professional athletes within the Whistler Community including Downhill Mountain Bikers, Downhill Skiers, and Freestyle Snowboarders.
For possible sponsorship by West Coast Float, please contact
We have two Tranquility Pods. Tranquility Pod 1 and 2 and they are the closest option to the traditional style of float tank, but with a sleek modern design.
If you want your own cozy private cocoon for floating, choose the Tranquility Pod 1 or 2.
All aspects of the Tranquility Pod are under your control as you have the ability to adjust the lights, airflow, and position of the rounded lid. Each Tranquility Pod is in its own private room with shower, bench, towel, robe, headrest, and ear plugs. It is the perfect option for an individual escape, relaxation, and freedom of personal self-expression.
We have one Float Cabin, which is in its own private room, with shower, bench, towel, robe, headrest, and ear plugs.
It is fully enclosed, like a float pod, but is much larger (like a room within a room). The Float Cabin is 7 feet tall, 7 feet long, and extra wide providing a feeling of height and space.
The Cabin can be used by one person, who can privately utilize the space to stretch out, or by two people, who want to share the space to be physically connected or assisted within the experience. Perfect for pregnant couples, the physically and mobility impaired, BFF’s, or partners.
“People often ask us if it is better to float together or separately. This is an interesting question because there is technically no wrong answer. Scientifically speaking, it is better to float alone in the interest of sensory deprivation, but individually speaking, it may be more emotionally and personally comfortable to float together. You won’t know until you try!”
$95 Per Float
$75 3 floats
$60 Per float for members
$165 2 person float cabin